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Changing behavior is a difficult procces, its need a long time and must learn learn and learn, people usually confiuse between remember and learning.
It’s a same, but not same, learning is remember but remember not must learning. If we want to change behavior we must give choice to study in a good school or we life in a good family, because the first we give education in a family, so we can have a good behavior. In school we must choice our friends because our bad friend usually give a bad behavior, so we can give a best choice.
In fact learning is behaviour change above all else. Because the behavior is make for a activities, creating great learning experiences in the moment - whether in a classroom, workshop or digitally - is a relatively easy task, but ensuring that short-term ‘learning’ becomes and results in behaviour change is more difficult. We can join the religious program in a school, so our bad behavior can change slowly. Not only effective leadership fundamentally come down to changing people’s behaviour, that’s what ‘learning’ is too. We certainly can only effectively measure learning by observing and determining changes in behaviour, or allowing people to demonstrate the nature of changes in behavior. And if we have a rich experience can bring a good behavior because the experience cen help we for a bad behavior.
So speaking to negative feelings is a powerful way to elicit learning and change behaviour as well as speaking to positive feelings and emotions. if we want to support learning effectively and engender behaviour change, then we need to create environments where emotional responses, rich experiences and social learning. The important point about The Knowledge is that the way people learn it is not by sitting in their homes and poring over maps or checking details on Google’s street view.  They get out and experience the runs. They do it by bicycle or motorbike. Again and again. and then they ‘call’ their newly-learned runs to friends and colleagues – even better if they’re also learning The Knowledge. They learn it experientially and socially.

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