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Learning is a change of behavior

Learning is a change of behavior
In daily activities - day either consciously or not we must be having an activity that is learned. Learning in theory and practice from the surrounding environment. Learning to understand the meaning of life and learn to become better. Man was created and born in a state of not knowing anything,  corresponding word of God in Surat an-Nahl verse 78 which reads:
وَاللَّهُ أَخْرَجَكُمْ مِنْ بُطُونِ أُمَّهَاتِكُمْ لَا تَعْلَمُونَ شَيْئًا وَجَعَلَ لَكُمُ السَّمْعَ وَالْأَبْصَارَ وَالْأَفْئِدَةَ ۙ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَشْكُرُون 
Meaning: "And God brought you from your mother's belly in a state of not knowing anything, and He gave you hearing and sight and hearts, that ye may be grateful" . So it is the duty of man to learn about what is not yet known. Learning for social and cultural human beings clearly have a very important role and position for life. By learning, man can get ahead, see the world, change the world and life. Learning is a process that is facing mankind from the not knowing to knowing. In Islam, learning is compulsory for a Muslim, both men and women. This has been proven through many verses and hadiths that show the importance of learning that are not deemed of age, ancestry, even the rank and wealth. herefore, it is proper that we as Muslims hold fast to the Qur'an and the Hadith, to continue to keep learning whenever and wherever we are.  Learning is not necessarily in the classroom, learning can be anywhere, to anyone who we think is a better knowledge of us.
According to Moh Surya learning is an individual process attempts to obtain a new behavior changes the whole, as a result of the individual's own experience in interaction with the environment. Meanwhile, according Whiterington learning is a process of change in personality as manifested in a change in control of the patterns of response to new behavior is evident in the changes of skills, habits, abilities, and attitudes. Learning as a characteristic that distinguishes man from other beings, an activity that has always done throughout human life, even a day without learning. But basically learning is a process of change in behavior that occurs in a person. Changes in behavior it is usually in the form of mastery of knowledge or mastery of the skills and attitude changes form. Behavior is an act or activity or any response either reaction, response, reply or the reply made by an organism. In particular, understanding the behavior is part of a whole pattern of reaction (Chaplin in Kartono, 1999, p. 53). One of the characteristics of learning activities according to the experts of education and psychology is a change in behavior. Changes in behavior it is usually in the form of mastery of the newly learned knowledge, or mastery of the skills and attitude changes form. To obtain the change in behavior, it is necessary that adequate teaching staff. Teacher or also called educators play an important role in the learning process. Good educators will be able to bring their students to be better.  How to learn the good and efficient by Rudolf Partner there are 10 methods in the study are: Overall method in part, whole and part methods, mixed methods, methods of recitation, duration, time sharing learning, limiting forgetfulness, memorize, retroactive inhibition.
The author notes that from the above presentation, we can conclude that learning is a process of change in the human personality and the changes are displayed in the form of an increase in the quality and quantity of behavior such as an increase in skills, knowledge, attitudes, habits, understanding, skills, intellect, and other abilities.  From the discussion above study also contains some elements of the same or different elements. The same elements in the definition of the study is: (a) in the case of learning a relatively permanent change or durable,  (b) in studying the changes caused by the experience. While things are still causing disagreement in the definition of learning are: (a) there is a potentiality formulate learning as a change of behavior, there is also formulate learning as a change in the behavior itself, there are states that learning can occur potentialities of behavior or behavior changes, and it has been argued that the study contains acquisition expectations about environment. Which is expected after we learn not only have the theory alone, but we can apply in everyday life that can make our lives better .

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